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Be a loner. That gives you time to wonder, to search for the truth. Have holy curiosity. Make your life worth living
The members of the Society of Pilar popularly known as Pilar Fathers landed first in the North in Sirsa, way back in the 1960s.
After a meticulous study of the education scene and as a response to the pressing need of an English medium School,
We decided to open the School in 1974 throwing its doors open to the citizens of Sirsa town and other surrounding villages
It is a Minority institution, established under Art. 30 (#1) of the Constitution of India
Ho! Ho! Ho! May all your desires and wishes be fulfilled by Santa this Christmas. Merry Christmas!
25 Dec 2023 | School Campus | 08:00
May Wahe Guru shower his blessings on you! Happy Guru Gobind Singh Jayanti!
29 Dec 2023 | School Campus | 08:00
Welcome to you for a virtual visit to our school. We hope that you will enjoy browsing around our website and find it interesting and informative. “Life is a miracle and every breath we take is a gift from God.” More than ever so, in the life journey of each one of us this year, we begin to realize the fact in a deeper sense as we have been passing through this Corona age of 2020.The wheel of life keeps turning and brings yet another fresh new page called the year 2021. Looking behind, I am filled with gratitude….looking forward…I am filled with vision...looking upward…I am filled with strength…looking within…I discover peace… irrespective of all that has been.
Manager's Message
Dear Parents and Students, Staff and Fellow Citizens of Sirsa. Heartiest Greetings!! It is indeed an honour to welcome you all to our school website. It’s a privilege indeed, that we as Xavierites of 2023-24, begin counting the sequins of last 50 golden years gathered by our precious elders/seniors. As we begin this beautiful Golden Jubilee Year, it’s my earnest desire that we décor our lives with golden sequins of ‘Truth, Wisdom, Goodness and Charity’ as inscribed in our School Logo. ..
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